Category Archives: Zionist entity

‘Oh what a web we weave!’


“… You know what my biggest nightmare is?” the officer asked, and answered at once. “That one day I arrive for one of my regular coordination meetings with Fayyad and he hands me the keys to the Palestinian Authority, shakes my hand and goes home.”What that means, explained the officer, is that the Israeli government will be forced to reimpose military rule over the West Bank, pay the salaries of the policemen, teachers, nurses, establish infrastructure and maintain order — all while the ground might be burning and there’s no chance of collecting taxes from the Palestinian population. According to estimates by Israel and foreign economists, the dismantling of the Palestinian Authority would cost Israel some NIS 14 billion per year [almost $4 billion]. That’s all Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his new finance minister, Yair Lapid, need at the moment.True, Fayyad has not handed over the keys of the Palestinian Authority to the Israelis. He handed them to President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who continues to withstand the pressures exerted on him to dismantle the authority and to exchange the struggle for a two-state solution with a struggle for equal rights within one state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. Fayyad’s departure, however, brings to the top of the agenda a question that has been floating below the surface (and constitutes the nightmare of which the officer spoke): How long will the Palestinian Authority keep acting as the subcontractor for Israeli rule, of the settlement policy and the diplomatic status quo? How long will US, European or Japanese taxpayers agree to bear the load of the “Oslo process,” launched 20 years ago and now on the road to nowhere? 

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide, who heads the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee for Assistance to the Palestinians (AHLC), took the opportunity of his visits to Jerusalem and Ramallah on April 4 to convey the following message: If the freeze in the diplomatic process continues, many donor countries are likely to stop transferring their contributions to the Palestinian Authority. Haaretz reported that Eide warned Netanyahu with these very words: “We shall not pay the bill forever,” and added, “The money is intended to build the institutions of the Palestinian state, but if such a state is not to exist, there’s no point in giving money.”Fayyad had served as trustee for Western countries in the Palestinian Authority ever since former Palestinian president Yasser Arafat appointed him as finance minister in 2001 under pressure from Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser for the George W. Bush administration. As long as the former senior World Bank official, who holds a PhD in economics from the University of Texas, in Austin,(again with that Ph.D) guarded the Authority’s treasury,… His political independence — Fayyad is not a Fatah member and ran for parliament as an independent — gave him extra points for reliability in the eyes of the West and Israel. On the other hand, the freeze in diplomatic negotiations, the expansion of settlements and the cold shoulder that Netanyahu’s government has been giving the Palestinian Authority in recent years played into the hands of those in Hamas and Fatah seeking to do Fayyad political harm. They portrayed him as an “American-Israeli” agent. His resume, which does not include expulsion and refugee status or combat or time in Israeli jails, helped them in their quest… 

A little more than three years have passed since then, and after a dramatic UN General Assembly decision to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a non-member state, Fayyad is taking his leave of the leadership of that entity, which still carries that same strange name. 

Is Salam Fayyad’s departure the loose stone that will bring down the shaky bridge that can barely carry the weight of the diplomatic solution to the conflict?…”

Israel: Salaam Fayyad’s Ph.D & stint at the Federal Reserve in Missouri … failed to impress the Palestinians!’

You can never trust these palestinians. From the comfort of the homes, on the posh avenues and plump bank accounts … they still act like criminals. Unlike Fayyad …

“… Still, despite his impeccable integrity, Fayyad failed to gain the trust and backing of the Palestinian populace in the West Bank that he was supposedly leading. Palestinian popularity polls are consistently won by terrorists such as Marwan Barghouti, serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison for planning the murders of four Israelis and a Greek Orthodox priest, and Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas in Gaza. A poll taken by Dr. Khalil Shikaki’s Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in December 2009, a time when Fayyad had just launched his program and optimism was high, only 13 percent of Palestinians said they wanted him as prime minister.

Neither Fayyad’s personal integrity nor his PhD from the University of Texas, nor his experience at the Federal Reserve of St. Louis, the International Monetary Fund and the Arab Bank seem to impress Palestinians much.

Had Fayyad killed a Jew or sent one of his sons to throw stones at an Israeli vehicle, he would have earned the respect and support of a large number of Palestinians,” Abu Toameh wrote….”


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Israel’s Iron Dome Fails to Intercept Eilat Rockets

Local Editor
The Zionist entity’s vaunted Iron Dome anti-missile system failed to intercept at least two rockets fired from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The two rockets hit the occupied Red Sea resort town of Eilat early on Wednesday with no casualties reported.Rockets hit Eilat
Israeli military sources said the vaunted Iron Dome anti-missile system, which was recently deployed around Eilat, did not engage to intercept the rockets.

“We’ve found two explosion sites in the city, we’ve also closed off the airport as a precaution,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP, saying one landed in “an open area close to one of the neighborhoods.”

He said the sirens had sounded but that there were no initial reports of casualties. “Bomb disposal experts are searching the area,” Rosenfeld said.

The military spokesman said both rockets had struck open areas.

“There were two rockets fired from Sinai, both landed in open spaces,” he said.

Later on, Israeli website, Haaretz, reported that the airport in Eilat reopened.

Egypt denied that rockets were fired from its territories, with senior military official said troops were “investigating” the incident.

Hours later, a Salafi group called the Mujahedeen Shura Council posted a statement online saying its militants had “managed to target occupied Eilat with two Grad rockets” without saying where they were fired from.

Source: AFP
17-04-2013 – 11:31 Last updated 17-04-2013 – 14:43

    جماعة جهادية تتبنى صاروخين سقطا على إيلات

     خاص بالموقع – تبنت جماعة مجلس شورى المجاهدين في أكناف بيت المقدس الجهادية إطلاق صاروخين على مدينة ايلات. وكان قد انفجر صاروخان جنوب الأراضي المحتلة، صباح اليوم، بدون التسبب في وقوع ضحايا.

    د. حطيط : تنظيم القاعدة سارع الى تبني هجوم إيلات رغم عدم إلتزامه قتال إسرائيل !

    .related { background-color:#F5F5F5; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 5px; } .related ul { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; padding-right: 10px; } .related li { list-style-image: url(images/themes/default/bullet.jpg); color:#000000; } .related a { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; } .related a:hover { color:#666666; }

     أكد العميد المتقاعد أمين حطيط في تصريح لوكالة أنباء آسيا أن أحد فروع تنظيم القاعدة سارع إلى تبني هجوم إيلات عبر أحد فروعه رغم أنه لا يلتزم قتال إسرائيل منذ نشأته.
    وقال حطيط أن هناك أكثر من فرضية حول هجوم إيلات، وربما تقف ورائه جهات منخرطة فعلاً في المقاومة ضد إسرائيل، لكن مسارعة القاعدة عبر أحد فروعها لتبني العملية هو محاولة منها لتصوير نفسها بأنها تدافع عن حقوق الإسلام والإسلاميين ومصالحهم في محاولة للتغطية على أعمالها وجرائمها في ظل الهجمة التي تتعرض لها.

    كما إستبعد أن يكون تنظيم القاعدة هو من قام فعلاً بإطلاق الصواريخ باتجاه إيلات لأنه ومنذ نشأته قبل عقود لم يلتزم بالعمل المقاوم ضد الكيان الصهيوني، كما أشار حطيط الى إحتمال أن يكون هناك نوع من الإنشقاق عن الفرع الرئيسي من قبل بعض العناصر الذي تم التغرير بهم من قبل تنظيم القاعدة بالقتال ضد إسرائيل، واكتشفوا لاآن أن مشروعه لا يتبنى مشروع المقاومة.

    كلام حطيط يأتي في سياق تعليقه على إعلان جماعة مجلس شورى المجاهدين والتي تتخذ من غزة مقرا لها، اطلاق صاروخين على مدينة ايلات جنوب اسرائيل.

    وأعلن البيان أنه “تمكن أسود مجلس شورى المجاهدين في اكناف بيت المقدس من استهداف مدينة ام الرشراش المحتلة (ايلات) بصاروخين من طراز غراد صباح اليوم بعدما كان الجيش الاسرائيلي اعلن بانه تم اطلاق الصاروخين من صحراء سيناء المصرية”.

    وأعلنت القناة الثانية الإسرائيلية صباح الأربعاء عن إيقاف حركة الملاحة في مطار إيلات نتيجة سقوط ٣ صواريخ على منطقة إيلات، بينما أكدت الإذاعة الإسرائيلية أن إنفجارات إيلات ناجمة عن هجوم صاروخي دون ورود تقارير عن خسائر بشرية أو أضرار.

    كما لفتت القناة الأولى الاسرائيلية الى أن القبة الحديدية المنشورة في إيلات لم تعمل على منع الصواريخ من السقوط.

    من جهتها اعلنت الشرطة الاسرائيلية عن سقوط ٣ صواريخ على مستوطنة ايلات مصدرهم سيناء، ما أدى الى إصابة منزل ولا أنباء عن سقوط ضحايا.

    وافاد متحدث باسم الشرطة عن انفجار صاروخ صباح الاربعاء في مدينة ايلات الواقعة على البحر الاحمر بجنوب اسرائيل بدون التسبب بوقوع ضحايا.

    إعداد: يوسف الصايغ

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Erdogan’s son ‘exempted’ from national pride!


    “… The son, Ahmet Burak Erdogan, is the owner of the MB Shipping company, which holds two cargo vessels. One of them, Safran-1, has sailed between Turkish and Israeli ports several times, transferring goods back and forth…. The ship, which is 95 meters (312 feet) long, last docked at the Ashdod Port on January 12 – about three months before the end of the crisis between the countries….”

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Israel Opens Conduit for Turkish Trade

    Published Thursday, April 11, 2013
    Israel has opened its seaports and land border crossings for Turkish trade to and from Jordan, Iraq, and the Gulf states. In lieu of the Syrian route, the Israeli option is a safer alternative.

    The weekly economic supplement of the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth said that the Israeli decision came after a series of secret meetings that took place recently between Tel Aviv and its neighbors Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey.

    These meetings, said the newspaper, prompted a change in Israeli policy, which enabled Ankara to use Israel’s sea and land ports.

    According to the newspaper, the Israeli decision relates to goods that can only be transported by land, as opposed to by air. It added, “Ships carrying goods come from Turkish ports unload at the Haifa and Ashdod seaports. [Then the goods are] transported in Israeli trucks to the Sheikh Hussein land border crossing with Jordan.”

    An Israeli satellite channel reported that the Sheikh Hussein land crossing with Jordan is now the site of active commerce. It confirmed that “the Israeli-Jordanian agreement was reached in cooperation with Amman and Baghdad.”

    Israeli TV broadcast scenes of trucks carrying Turkish goods. The reporter talked to Turkish truck drivers who welcomed Israel’s policy change. One said, “Israel is good and we don’t have any problems with it. We deal with it positively.” Another driver confirmed “Israel’s kind treatment.”

    This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Israel Favors Qaeda over Assad: Regime will not Fall Soon

    Local Editor
    Israel ruled out on Tuesday that the Syrian regime would fall anytime soon, pointing out that Israel did not favor Bashar Al-Assad over Al-Qaeda, as the first formed an “axis of extreme evilness”.

    Amos GiladSpeaking to Yedioth Ahronoth, Head of the Diplomatic-Security Bureau in the Zionist Defense Ministry, Amos Gilad, indicated that the “deterioration in Syria has allowed groups such as Al-Qaeda to establish itself in the country,” yet highlighted that he did not favor Assad because he is in an “axis of extreme evil.”

    On the Zionist entity’s relation with Turkey, Gilad considered that “reconciliation agreement” between both parts was important due to “Iran’s nuclear situation”.

    “Turkey has been enemies with Iran or Persia for 1,000 years; it (Turkey) cannot allow them to arm themselves with nuclear weapons. Turkey is not ready for Iran to go nuclear,” Gilad told the Zionist daily.

    The “Israeli” official further emphasized that “even if Israel’s relations with Turkey did not return to their previous level, the importance of the reconciliation agreement was in that it stopped the deterioration of relations between the two countries.”

    Source: Israeli Media
    11-04-2013 – 15:16 Last updated 11-04-2013 – 15:16

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


    Posted on April 3, 2013 by

    Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

    RT Op-Edge

    A ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet during large-scale military exercises Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered while flying back from the South African Republic to Moscow. (Screen shot of a video of Zvezda TV channel).(RIA Novosti)
    A ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet during large-scale military exercises Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered while flying back from the South African Republic to Moscow. (Screen shot of a video of Zvezda TV channel).


    Is there a connection between events in Syria (maybe even US tension with North Korea) and Russia’s impromptu Black Sea war games that started on March 28, 2013?While on his way from Durban in South Africa, where the BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa —announced they were forming a new development bank to challenge the IMF and World Bank, Russia’s Vladimir Putin gave the go ahead for unscheduled war games in the Black Sea. By themselves the games mean little, but in a global context they mean a lot.

    According to the Kremlin, the war games involved about 7,000 Russian servicemen, Russian Special Forces, Russian Marines, and airborne rapid deployment troops. All of Russia’s different services were involved and used the exercises to test their interoperability. Over thirty Russian warships based out of the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol in the Crimean Peninsula and the Russian port of Novorossiysk in Krasnodar Krai will be participating. The objective of the games are to show that Russia could mobilize for any event at a moments notice.

    The war games surprised the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Who even complained the Russian war games started in the Black Sea without prior notice. In fact, NATO asked Russia to be more open about its moves and give NATO Headquarters in Brussels notice of its military movements in the future. Alexander Vershbow, the American Deputy Secretary General of NATO, even demanded “maximum transparency” from Russia. One may ask, why the rattled bones?

    Russian response to war plans against the Syrians?

    Is it mere coincidence that Russia is flexing its muscles after NATO revealed it was developing contingency plans for a Libya-style intervention in Syria on March 20? Two days later, Israel and Turkey ended their diplomatic row through a timely agreement that was supposedly brokered by US President Barack Obama in twenty minutes while he was visiting Israel. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that with Obama’s help a deal was made with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Erdogan to end the diplomatic rift over the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

    Days later, this event was followed by the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) — a phoney opposition organization constructed by the US, UK, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey — being ceremoniously given Syria’s seat at the Arab League. In what appears to be an attempt at repeating the Libya scenario, the SNC is being recognized as the government of Syria. At the Arab League summit, the SNC’s leader Moaz Al-Khatib immediately called for NATO military intervention in coordination with Qatar’s call for regime change and military intervention in Damascus on March 26.

    Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib.(AFP Photo / Karim Sahib)
    Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib.(AFP Photo / Karim Sahib)

    In a stage-managed move, the puppet SNC has asked the US, UK, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and NATO to enforce a no-fly zone with the aim of creating a SNC-controlled emirate or enclave in northern Syria. Al-Khatib has announced that he has talked to US Secretary of State John Kerry to use the NATO Patriot Missiles stationed in Turkey to create the no-fly zone over northern Syria. Effectively what he is talking about is the balkanization of Syria. Kerry seems to be on top of it. Victoria Nuland, the spokeswoman of the US Department of State, said the US is considering the request about imposing a no-fly zone. Even earlier, Kerry made a surprise visit to Baghdad and threatened the federal government in Iraq to fall into line with Washington’s regime change plans against Syria. He said he wanted the Iraqis to check Iranian passenger planes heading to Syria for weapons, but much more was said.

    The American Empire’s satraps are all on the move. Qatar and Saudi Arabia no longer hide the fact that they are arming and funding the insurgents in Syria. In February, the UK and France lobbied the rest of the European Union to lift its Syrian arms embargo, so that they can openly arm the anti-government foreign fighters and militias that are trying to topple the Syrian government. Israel and Turkey have been forced to mend fences for the sake of the Empires war on the Syrians.

    Obama realigns Israel and Turkey against Syria

    The Israeli and Turkish rapprochement conveniently fits the aligning chessboard. Obama’s visit to Israel was about imperial politics to maintain the American Empire. As two hostile neighbours of Syria, Tel Aviv and Ankara will have deeper cooperation in the Empire’s objectives to topple the Syrian government. All of a sudden, the governments in both countries started complaining in line with one another about how the humanitarian situation in Syria was threatening them. In reality, Israel is not hosting any Syrian refugees (and oppresses Syrians under its occupation in the Golan) whereas Turkey has actually neglected many of its legal and financial obligations to the Syrian refugees it hosts on its territory and has tried to whitewash this by labeling them as foreign “guests.”

    A child watches a woman washing a bassin at the Syrian refugee camp 5km from Diyarbakir, on the the way between Diyarbakir and Mardin, after snowfall, on January 9, 2013.(AFP Photo / Stringer)

    A child watches a woman washing a bassin at the Syrian refugee camp 5km from Diyarbakir, on the the way between Diyarbakir and Mardin, after snowfall, on January 9, 2013.(AFP Photo / Stringer)
    According to Agence France-Presse, the Israelis have even opened a military field hospital to help the insurgents topple the Syrian government. The military facility is located in an area named Fortification 105 in Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan Heights (originally referred to as the Syrian Heights in Israel). It is essentially a support base for anti-government forces and only the tip of the iceberg in regards to Israeli involvement in Syria. Israel’s January strikes on Syria were the fruits of the cooperation between the Israelis and insurgent militias.

    Sensing the suspicious eyes gazing at the Turkish government and perhaps getting unnerved by the Kremlin’s muscle flexing, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has rejected he claims that Tel Aviv and Ankara were closing ranks against Syria. Davutoglu must have been unaware of what was said in Israel about their rapprochement. Even though Netanyahu vowed never to apologize for the killing of Turkey’s citizens on the Mavi Marmara, Tel Aviv’s apology to Turkey was publicly justified by the Israeli government on the basis of addressing Syria through coordination with Turkey. Many of the suspicious eyes that turned to look at the Erdogan’s government over the deal with Israel are Turkish. Davutoglu actually lied for domestic consumption, knowing full well that the Turkish public would be outraged to know that Prime Minister Erdogan was really normalizing ties with Israel to topple the Syrian government.

    The message(s) of the Russian war games

    The American Empire is arranging the geopolitical chessboard with is satraps in its ongoing war on Syria. Perhaps it plans on using Israel to do a re-play of the Suez Crisis. In 1956, after Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, the UK and France drew a plan with Israel to annex the Suez Canal by getting Israel to attack Egypt and then claiming to intervene militarily as concerned parties who wanted to keep the Suez Canal safe and open for international maritime traffic. A new assault against Syria under the banners of the Israelis is possible and could be used as an excuse for a Turkish and NATO “humanitarian invasion” that could result in the creation of a northern humanitarian buffer zone (or a broader war).

    A pattern can be depicted from all these events. At the start of 2013, Russia held major naval drills in the Eastern Mediterranean against a backdrop of tension between Moscow and the US-led NATO and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) coalition that has been destabilizing Syria. After the US and its anti-Syrian coalition threatened to intervene militarily and deployed Patriot missiles on Turkey’s southern border with Syria, a Russian naval flotilla was dispatched off the Syrian coast to send a strong message to Washington not to have any ideas of starting another war. In turn, the US and its allies tried to save face by spreading rumours that the Kremlin was preparing to evacuate Russian citizens from Syria, because the Syrian government was going to collapse and the situation was going to get critical.
    A ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet during large-scale military exercises Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered while flying back from the South African Republic to Moscow. (Screen shot of a video of Zvezda TV channel).(RIA Novosti)
    A ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet during large-scale military exercises Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered while flying back from the South African Republic to Moscow. (Screen shot of a video of Zvezda TV channel).(RIA Novosti)

    Paralleling the Russian war games in the Black Sea, the Russian Air Force held long-range flights across Russia. This included flights by Russian nuclear strategic bombers. On the other end of Eurasia, China also conducted its own surprise naval war games in the South China Sea. While the US and its allies portrayed the Chinese moves as a threat to Vietnam over disputed territory in the South China Sea, the timing of the naval deployment could be linked to either Syria (or North Korea) and coordinated with Russia to warn the US to keep the international peace.

    In a sign of the decline of the American Empire, just before the Russian war games in the Black Sea, all the increasingly assertive BRICS leaders warned the US against any adventurism in Syria and other countries. The Russian and Chinese muscle flexing are messages that tell Washington that Beijing and Moscow are serious and mean what they say. At the same time, these events can be read as signs that the world-system is coming under new management.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Turkey awaits ‘total Syrian meltdown’ to lure Lebanon into Turkey-Israel ‘gas-cooperation-network’


    “…The bottom line is that Ankara can cause serious headaches for the Greek Cypriot administration at a time when it least needs it, given Turkey’s growing importance as an energy hub that major companies can ill-afford to overlook. The hope among diplomats is that the Greek Cypriot administration will eventually wake up to the benefits of a Cyprus settlement, and cooperation with Turkey in the energy field.On the other hand, a Turkish-Israeli rapprochement does not mean that the two countries will have an easy ride in realizing their joint pipeline project, if this is decided on. Haaretz recently quoted industry sources saying that such a pipeline would have to pass through the economic zones of Lebanon and Syria before reaching Turkey, which is bound to be problematic.
    The future of Syria, however, is in the balance today. Meanwhile, Lebanon is also searching for the vast offshore reserve it believes exists in its own economic interest zone in the Eastern Mediterranean. If proven, these reserves will have to be exploited with international cooperation.

    A Turkey, that has consummated its ties with Israel by means of a strategic pipeline will have every reason to use its influence over Lebanon in order to convince it to join the network of cooperation in the Levant Basin for the sake of its own economic future and regional stability. 

    This may appear a long shot from today’s perspective, but it is clear that the region is on the threshold of major developments today. It is seems therefore to be in the best interest of regional countries to play their cards right as the new “Great Game” unfolds at a time when it is clear that energy can be a cause for conflict as much as it can be a medium that catalyzes peace and cooperation.
    Of course there is also an Iranian, and Russian angle to the Great Game in the Levant Basin, not to mention developments in Northern Iraq, which some may feel have been overlooked here.…”

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Israel’s "Red" Night: “The Largest Internet Battle in Mankind History”

    Local Editor


    Hackers vowing to wipe Israel off the map of the Internet had staged dozens of cyberattacks on Israeli sites on Saturday night.

    The campaign by hackers around the world, has so far vandalized dozens of Israeli sites and released hundreOp-Israelds of e-mail addresses and passwords.
    Sites serving Israeli government agencies, including the Securities Authority, the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and the Central Bureau of Statistics were brought down, according to a list posted on

    Some 19,000 Israeli Facebook accounts were hacked by the group Anonymous in an “operation” called #OpIsrael.

    The virtual campaign was launched by hackers affiliated with the Anonymous group in order to protest Israeli policies in Palestine. The organizers threatened to wage “the largest Internet battle in the history of mankind” that would eventually “wipe Israel off the map of the Internet.”
    “You have not stopped your endless human right violations,” the group said in a post addressed to the Zionist eHacking of Israeli sitesntity’s government.

    “You have not stopped illegal settlements. You have not respected the ceasefire. You have shown that you do not respect international law.”

    “This is why that on April 7, elite cyber-squadrons from around the world have decided to unite in solidarity with the Palestinian people against Israel as one entity to disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace.”

    Israeli sources said that the attack was launched from areas in south Africa. Later on, the group was followed by other hackers from Arab and Muslim countries, including Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.

    The sources said that groups of hackers from Iran and Indonesia joined the campaign, adding that around 5000 hackers took part in the operation.


    Meanwhile, some media outlets appeared to be downplaying the cyberattack, with both Agence France Press and Arab television, al-Jazeera, along with Israeli media, reported that the attack was “failed.”
    “Hackers have launched an assault on Israeli websites, but the damage has been minimal as the Jewish state is prepared to fend off such attacks,” AFP said in its report.

    “The hackers associated with the activist group Anonymous reportedly hit the websites of the premier’s office, the defense ministry, the education ministry and the Central Bureau of Statistics, among others”, the agency said, noting that: “but all appeared to be running normally.”

    Meanwhile, al-Jazeera reported that “a weekend cyberattack campaign has targeted Israeli government websites but failed to cause serious disruption.”

    It quoted an official at the Israeli government’s National Cyber Bureau, Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, as saying that the “hackers had mostly failed to shut down key sites.”

    Below is the link of the post adressed by Anonymous to the Israeli government:
    Anonymous Threat

    Source: Agencies
    07-04-2013 – 10:21 Last updated 07-04-2013 – 15:55

    الشرطة الأردنية تلقي القبض على أحد أهم الهاكرز الأردنيين المعروف لدى أوساطه بـ «virus aser alrooh» لمشاركته بالهجوم الإلكتروني على الكيان الصهيوني

    إسرائيل تسقط في “حرب الانترنت”..التلفزيون الإسرائيلي : إختراق موقع الإستخبارت الإسرائيلية من قبل الهاكرز

    أعلن التلفزيون الإسرائيلي عن سقوط عشرات آلاف من الحسابات الإسرائيلية على موقع فايسبوك، بالإضافة إلى عشرات المواقع الحكومية الإسرائيلية،

    أعلن التلفزيون الإسرائيلي عن سقوط عشرات آلاف من الحسابات الإسرائيلية على موقع فايسبوك، بالإضافة إلى عشرات المواقع الحكومية الإسرائيلية، بعد هجوم شنته مجموعة هاكرز مناهضة لإسرائيل تدعى “اوب إسرائيل”.

    وكانت مجموعة “اوب إسرائيل” المناهضة للإعتداءات الإسرائيلية على الفلسطينيين أعلنت أنها ستجعل من يوم السابع من نيسان/إبريل يوماً عالمياً للمقاومة الإلكترونية بهدف شطب إسرائيل عن الشبكة العنكبوتية.

    وقال مدير مكتب الميادين في إسرائيل إن عدداً كبيراً من المواقع الإلكترونية الإسرائيلية سقطت نتيجة هجوم الهاكرز، ومنها موقع دائرة الهجرة اليهودية ومواقع محاكم القضاء، وظهر على معظمها صور الأسير الفلسطيني سامر العيساوي.

    ونقل مدير مكتب الميادين عن مدير دائرة السايبر ومعلومات الانترنت في الكيان الإسرائيلي روني بكار قوله “نحن لا نستيطع أن نفعل شيء، سوى أن نشاهد الحرب”، مؤكداً أن إسرائيل استخدمت قراصنة للرد وبدأت بضرب مواقع في باكستان وهي تتهم الفلسطينيين واللبنانيين بالمشاركة بالهجوم.

    وقالت صحيفة هآرتس العبرية إن قرابة 19.000 حساب فيسبوك لإسرائيليين، تم تسجيل اختراقه من قبل قراصنة من حول العالم، يتبعون مجموعة مجهولة. وقالت الصحيفة عبر موقعها على الإنترنت، إن القراصنة هددوا بمحو خريطة اسرائيل من على شبكة الإنترنت، عبر شن هجمات واسعة النطاق مساء السبت، ضد عدد من الموقع الرسمية الاسرائيلية.

    و اعلنت القناة الاسرائيلية العاشرة عن بدء الهجوم الالكتروني على دولة الاحتلال، وان ارتفاع الهجمات، وأوجها سيكون غدا الأحد.

    واعلنت القناة العاشرة ان مساء السبت سقوط عدد من مواقع عده منها وزارة الاستيعاب وموقع سوق الأوراق المالية وموقع المحاكم الإسرائيلية ،كما تم اختراق بعض المواقع الشخصية الصغيرة .
    وكتب على المواقع التي تم السيطرة عليها من قبل الهكرز كتبت شعارات دعت لتحرير فلسطين ، مع العلم أن الهجوم المركزي للهكرز مخطط ليوم غد الأحد.

    وبحسب القناة العاشرة العبرية، فإن “المهاجمين نجحوا في اختراق وتدمير آلاف من حسابات الفيس بوك لإسرائيليين، وعشرات المواقع الالكترونية، منها مواقع بنوك ومؤسسات تعليمية”.

    وكان خبراء إسرائيليون أكدوا أن الهجوم بدأ فعليا منذ أيام، فقد سجلت عمليات اختراق أنظمة الحواسيب الاسرائيلية مؤخرا ارتفاعا بنسبة 10 في المئة، وستصل مرحلة الذروة يوم غد الأحد.

    ووضع القراصنة الإلكترونيين رسالة على أحد المواقع الإسرائيلية المخترقة، وتقول:

    “نحن نسمع صراخ من غزة، نحن ندافع عن منطقتنا، بالسابق كانت الحروب بالطائرات والدبابات، أما ألان نحن ننتصر الكترونيا ونهزمكم في الفضاء الالكتروني، نجن ندمر، نحن نستطيع الوصول لصفحتك الشخصية، وجهازك الشخصي أينما تكون”.

    ﻣﻦ أﻫﻢ اﻟﻤﻮاﻗﻊ اﻹﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻠﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺳﻘﻄﺖ ﺗﻠﻘﺎﺋﯿﺎً ﺣﺘﻰ اﻟﻠﺤﻈﺔ ﻫﻲ 1 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ اﻟﺒﻮرﺻﺔ اﻹﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻠﯿﺔ 2 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ ﺣﺰب ﻛﺎدﯾﻤﺎ 3 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ وزارة اﻷﻣﻦ اﻹﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻠﯿﺔ 4 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ ﺻﺤﯿﻔﺔ ﯾﺪﯾﻌﻮت 5 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ اﻹﺳﺘﺨﺒﺎرات اﻹﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻠﻲ 6 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ و اﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻹﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻠﻲ 7 – أﻛﺒﺮ ﻣﻮﻗﻊ ﻟﻠﺘﺮوﯾﺞ و دﻋﻢ اﻟﺼﻬﯿﻮﻧﯿﺔ ﻓﻲ أوروﺑﺎ 8 – ﻣﻮﻗﻊ رﺋﺎﺳﺔ اﻟﻮزراء اﻹﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻠﯿﺔ – – –


    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Anonymous launches massive cyber assault on Israel

    Published time: April 06, 2013 20:18
    Edited time: April 07, 2013 02:55

    AFP Photo / Gabriel Bouys

    Hacktivist group Anonymous has launched a second massive cyber attack against Israel, dubbed #OpIsrael. The collective threatens to “disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace” in protest over its mistreatment of Palestinians.
    Dozens of Israeli websites were unavailable as of early Sunday.

    In a video message posted on YouTube, Anonymous said that on April 7, “elite cyber-squadrons from around the world have decided to unite in solidarity with the Palestinian people against Israel as one entity to disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace.”

    Addressing the Israeli government, the group stated: “You have NOT stopped your endless human right violations. You have NOT stopped illegal settlements. You have NOT respected the ceasefire. You have shown that you do NOT respect international law.”

    Earlier on Saturday, an Anonymous affiliated group identifying itself as The N4m3le55 cr3w announced that they “have gathered 600 websites and 100 plus servers we will be attacking”throughout Israel. The list includes banks, schools, businesses and a host of prominent government websites. “That is just our targets,” the group warned.
    “We cannot speak on what the rest of Anonymous will be attacking but we can guarantee it will be in the 1000′s.”

    The massive cyber attack falls on the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day. Anonymous has accused the Israeli government of mistreating its own citizens, violating treaties, attacking its neighbors, threatening to shut down the Internet in Gaza and ignoring“repeated warnings” about human rights abuses.

    “The estimations are that [the cyber-attacks] will reach an unusual level that we have never seen before,” Deputy Information Security Officer Ofir Cohen said in an e-mail sent to Knesset employees on Thursday, The Jerusalem Post reported.

    Cohen added that the E-government – the Israeli government’s information security body – and the Knesset’s internet service provider (ISP) are working to block the attack.

    On Wednesday, thousands of Israeli Facebook users were infected by a virus, although its effects at this point appear to be minimal.
    Reuters / Nacho Doce

    On Friday, Israeli radio reported that scores of large organizations had closed their websites to shield them from hacker attacks.
    Despite the impending threat, Lior Tabansky, a fellow at the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology, and Security of Tel Aviv University, told the Times of Israel that distributed denial of service (DDos) attacks, which work by overwhelming targeted servers with traffic which stems from multiple systems, are the only tool at the hackers’ disposal.
    “Unless they have names and passwords, [DDoS] is really their only attack strategy. Unfortunately, there is little a company can do to stop it, but it is not the major cyber-threat many people, especially in the media, believe it to be. It’s more of an annoyance, and if they do manage to intimidate sites into submission, the victory will be one of public relations.”However, other experts have warned that the hackers may attempt to deploy malware such as “Trojan horses”, which can steal information and harm host computer systems.
    Screenshot from
    Anonymous launched the first ‘OpIsrael’ cyber-attacks in November 2012 during Operation Pillar of Defense, an eight day Israeli Defense Force (IDF) incursion into the Gaza s trip.
    Some 700 Israeli website suffered repeated DDos attacks, which targeted high-profile government systems such as the Foreign Ministry, the Bank of Jerusalem, the Israeli Defence Ministry, the IDF blog, and the Israeli President’s official website.
    The Israeli Finance Ministry reported an estimated 44 million unique attacks on government websites over a four day period.
    Following ‘OpIsrael,’ Anonymous posted the online personal data of 5,000 Israeli officials, including names, ID numbers and personal emails.
    The group also took part in an attack in which the details of some 600,000 users of the popular Israeli email service Walla were released online.
    Screenshot from

    Published Sunday, April 7, 2013
    Dozens of Israeli websites were hacked in early morning hours Sunday, including pages of the prime minister’s office and the Tel Aviv stock exchange, in the largest cyber offensive on the Jewish state yet.

    The operation is being dubbed #OpIsrael and is said to be led by the hackers group, Anonymous, which says it aims to wage hacking operations against human rights violators. Several official websites were covered in photos of long-time hunger striker Samer Issawi, deceased Palestinian prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, and slain Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh.

    The names and email addresses of some 1,500 Mossad agents have also reportedly been made public in a Google Doc.

    The organizers said Sunday would be “the largest Internet battle in the history of mankind” that would eventually “wipe Israel off the map of the Internet” on April 7, Holocaust Memorial Day. Over 19,000 Israeli Facebook pages are reportedly down. Below is an Anonymous video warning of Sunday’s offensive:

    Israel has staged incursions into some West Bank towns, such as Hebron, in recent hours, raiding houses and confiscating computers, according pan-Arab network Al-Mayadeen and several activists.
    Anonymous first waged a cyber-attack on Israel in November 2012 during Israel’s vicious eight day assault on the Gaza Strip, targeting 700 websites.

    The following tweet includes a list of sites whose hacking had been verified by anonymous. Al-Akhbar can confirm that the sites of ISS Congress, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, the Tel Aviv stock exchange, the Defense Ministry, the Finance Ministry and several others were down at 2:30 AM local time Sunday.

    إسرائيل تسقط في “حرب الانترنت”..التلفزيون الإسرائيلي : إختراق موقع الإستخبارت الإسرائيلية من قبل الهاكرز

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    أعلن التلفزيون الإسرائيلي عن سقوط عشرات آلاف من الحسابات الإسرائيلية على موقع فايسبوك، بالإضافة إلى عشرات المواقع الحكومية الإسرائيلية،
    أعلن التلفزيون الإسرائيلي عن سقوط عشرات آلاف من الحسابات الإسرائيلية على موقع فايسبوك، بالإضافة إلى عشرات المواقع الحكومية الإسرائيلية، بعد هجوم شنته مجموعة هاكرز مناهضة لإسرائيل تدعى “اوب إسرائيل”.

    وكانت مجموعة “اوب إسرائيل” المناهضة للإعتداءات الإسرائيلية على الفلسطينيين أعلنت أنها ستجعل من يوم السابع من نيسان/إبريل يوماً عالمياً للمقاومة الإلكترونية بهدف شطب إسرائيل عن الشبكة العنكبوتية.

    وقال مدير مكتب الميادين في إسرائيل إن عدداً كبيراً من المواقع الإلكترونية الإسرائيلية سقطت نتيجة هجوم الهاكرز، ومنها موقع دائرة الهجرة اليهودية ومواقع محاكم القضاء، وظهر على معظمها صور الأسير الفلسطيني سامر العيساوي.

    ونقل مدير مكتب الميادين عن مدير دائرة السايبر ومعلومات الانترنت في الكيان الإسرائيلي روني بكار قوله “نحن لا نستيطع أن نفعل شيء، سوى أن نشاهد الحرب”، مؤكداً أن إسرائيل استخدمت قراصنة للرد وبدأت بضرب مواقع في باكستان وهي تتهم الفلسطينيين واللبنانيين بالمشاركة بالهجوم.

    وقالت صحيفة هآرتس العبرية إن قرابة 19.000 حساب فيسبوك لإسرائيليين، تم تسجيل اختراقه من قبل قراصنة من حول العالم، يتبعون مجموعة مجهولة. وقالت الصحيفة عبر موقعها على الإنترنت، إن القراصنة هددوا بمحو خريطة اسرائيل من على شبكة الإنترنت، عبر شن هجمات واسعة النطاق مساء السبت، ضد عدد من الموقع الرسمية الاسرائيلية.

    و اعلنت القناة الاسرائيلية العاشرة عن بدء الهجوم الالكتروني على دولة الاحتلال، وان ارتفاع الهجمات، وأوجها سيكون غدا الأحد.

    واعلنت القناة العاشرة ان مساء السبت سقوط عدد من مواقع عده منها وزارة الاستيعاب وموقع سوق الأوراق المالية وموقع المحاكم الإسرائيلية ،كما تم اختراق بعض المواقع الشخصية الصغيرة .
    وكتب على المواقع التي تم السيطرة عليها من قبل الهكرز كتبت شعارات دعت لتحرير فلسطين ، مع العلم أن الهجوم المركزي للهكرز مخطط ليوم غد الأحد.

    وبحسب القناة العاشرة العبرية، فإن “المهاجمين نجحوا في اختراق وتدمير آلاف من حسابات الفيس بوك لإسرائيليين، وعشرات المواقع الالكترونية، منها مواقع بنوك ومؤسسات تعليمية”.

    وأشارت مصادر صحفية إلى أن “مواقع عده سقطت بأيدي القارصنة، منها وزارة الاستيعاب، وموقع سوق الأوراق المالية، وموقع المحاكم الإسرائيلية، إضافة إلى موقع واللا العبري، ويعتبر من أهم المواقع الإلكترونية الإخبارية التابعة لاسرائيل”.

    وكان خبراء إسرائيليون أكدوا أن الهجوم بدأ فعليا منذ أيام، فقد سجلت عمليات اختراق أنظمة الحواسيب الاسرائيلية مؤخرا ارتفاعا بنسبة 10 في المئة، وستصل مرحلة الذروة يوم غد الأحد.

    ووضع القراصنة الإلكترونيين رسالة على أحد المواقع الإسرائيلية المخترقة، وتقول:

    “نحن نسمع صراخ من غزة، نحن ندافع عن منطقتنا، بالسابق كانت الحروب بالطائرات والدبابات، أما ألان نحن ننتصر الكترونيا ونهزمكم في الفضاء الالكتروني، نجن ندمر، نحن نستطيع الوصول لصفحتك الشخصية، وجهازك الشخصي أينما تكون”.



    The determining factor in Jewish politics which is causing all this turmoil is not internal to Israel . It is external to Israel . Israel is going through a great instability and a great existential crisis and insecurity for the reason that it is being for the first time threatened in its own existence by the Hizbullah of Lebanon who – not only defeated Israel twice- but has put all of the occupied territories within reach of the missiles of the Resistance . One cannot underestimate such thing . Due to this, Israel has become exposed as a vulnerable country , it has become the paper tiger that it really is . Now Israel cannot coexist with this image; for this reason, it has developed many strategies to deal with this fact . It is trying to acquire a “real identity”- that might be in this instance that of Apartheid- and to come up with a new image altogether which required to coordinate with certain Palestinian groups whose interests and motives and goals happened to intersect with Israel’s interests . Sectarianism is very useful and could help isolate the Resistance and protect Israel like nothing could protect it, and prevent the model of the Lebanese Resistance from pervading the whole Arab world . It is against the armed Resistance of Hizbullah and against Iran that both sectarian Arabs and Palestinians and anti Zionist Zionists have found a common ground.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!