Category Archives: Al-Arabiya

US still focused on a Syrian ‘negotiated settlment’ rather than on an ‘outright victory to one of the parties’


Subtext: le the killing continue! 

“… On Syria, concern remains high, but the Administration remains deeply conflicted on the question of arming the Syrian opposition. The announcement of Al-Qaeda’s formal integration with opposition elements has energized the debate, with some arguing that this reinforces the urgency for US military aid to more moderate groupings. Some steps are being taken in this direction, but caution remains predominant, with US officials focused on a negotiated settlement rather than one that delivers an outright victory to one of the parties….”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

More than a year for his crime: Damascus University Criminal Ammar Baloch appears in the documentary and exposes Al-Arabiya, Al-Jazeera, and Wahhabi revolution


Posted on April 4, 2013 by Libya 360°

Published on 4 Apr 2013

Eretz ZenAfter the horrendous attack on Aleppo University earlier this year by the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), there have been other attacks on universities that led to the death of students. This video has two parts. Part 1 shows the reaction from a university professor after her students were killed by the mortar attack of the FSA as she completely lets her anger loose on those who support this “revolution.” She defies them by proudly stating that she stands strongly behind President Bashar al-Assad.

Part 2 shows an interview of a kid – Ammar Baloush – brainwashed by the FSA to kill his fellow students based on sectarian affiliation, which apparently made them Shabbiha, because they support their government. He shows no remorse or regret for his crime. On the contrary, he feels bad he did not kill more. The interview is recent; however, the crime itself took place back in late 2011. Many in the Syrian opposition hailed him as a hero back then.

بعد أكثر من عام على جريمته : مجرم جامعة دمشق عمار بالوش يظهر في شريط وثائقي ويبصق بوجه كلاب”الجزيرة” و”العربية” وثورتهم الوهابية

بيروت، الحقيقة(خاص): في 27 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2011، أقدم المجرم عمار تيسير بالوش، الطالب في كلية الهندسة الطبية بجامعة دمشق، على إطلاق النار على زملائه في قاعة المحاضرة فقتل أحدهم وأصاب أربعة آخرين بجروح ، قبل أن يولي هاربا.
وخلال دقائق كان الخبر يعم قنوات الدعارة الإعلامية كلها، وعلى رأسها مدعرة عبد الرحمن الراشد المسماة “العربية” ومدعرة فيصل القاسم المسماة “الجزيرة” ، عن أن “شبيحا أطلق النار على زملائه المؤيدين للثورة السورية”!
أما مراسل “الجزيرة” ، الطالباني المجرم أحمد زيدان ( سليل الطليعة الإسلامية المقاتلة هو وعائلته كلها) ، فقال على موقعه “سوريون نت” ما حرفيته : “شبيح موال للنظام يطلق النار في جامعة دمشق ويقتل اثنين من المعارضين”. وجرت جريه مواقع الثورة الوهابية كلها التي زعم بعضها أن السلطة اعتقلت بالوش وأعدمته، بينما زعم بعضها الآخر أنها أطلقت النار عليه وهو هارب فأردته قتيلا.
بالوش ظهر أمس مع المسلحين في ريف دمشق في شريط وثائقي لقناة “أو تي في ” اللبنانية ، وروى تفاصيل بطولته وهو يضحك فرحا مثل ابن عاهرة وضعته أمه في كرخانة من نطفة قواد، فبصق بروايته في وجه دجالي وكلاب “العربية” و”الجزيرة” وبقية حثالات الثورة الوهابية الحقيرة.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Full details of the media scheme for Damascus fall .. blow up fake Assad’s convoy and firing shots near the Rawda Palace and stop the Syrian friends media broadcast

التفاصيل الكاملة لمخطط اسقاط دمشق اعلامياً ..تفجير موكب شبيه بموكب الرئيس وإطلاق عيارات نارية بالقرب من قصر الروضة وإيقاف بث الإعلام السوري والصديق

دام برس:
بعد ان مولت فضائيات الخليج الدراما السورية لسنوات طويلة تعكف هذه الفضائيات على وضع اللمسات الاخيرة لفيديو افتراضي يصور سقوط دشق او ما تفترض انه المعركة النهائية لسقوطها

وتتوقع الأوساط الاعلامية والدبلوماسية ان تلجأ القنوات الفضائية المضللة التي تصطف في الواجهة الأمامية للدول المتآمرة على سوريا وتعمل كذراع إعلامي في الحرب التي تستهدف صمود دمشق الى بث سلسلة اكاذيب للتأثيرعلى معنويات السوريين والايحاء بأن المعركة حسمت بسقوط دمشق، وذلك وفق سيناريو معد مسبقاً ومفبرك في المخابر الاعلامية لتلك القنوات، و يعتمد هذا السيناريو على المزج بين أحداث واقعية ومشاهد إعلامية مفبركة مخبريا حيث يتم ادخال مجموعة من السيارات الفخمة كالتي يستخدمها المسؤولون والرؤساء عادة إلى داخل دمشق و تجميع هذه السيارات لتصطف في نسق واحد وتأخذ شكل الموكب الرئاسي في احدى ساحات دمشق،ثم يتم تفجير الموكب بكمية كبيرة وشديدة الإنفجار بحيث يدوي التفجير في انحاء العاصمة، ويتولى الناس الموجودين في محيط المكان تأكيد حدوثه ، وتشير المصادر الى ان الهدف من التفجير هو منع الإعلام الوطني من تكذيب الخبر بحيث ستجد كاميرات وسائل الاعلام في حال ذهبت الى المكان تفجيرا واقعيا بموكب من السيارات الفخمة الشبيهة بالموكب الرئاسي. وتؤكد هذه المصادر أنه بعد أن تقوم وسائل الاعلام الوطنية والصديقة بتقديم هذه الصورة لمشاهديها مدة 5-10 دقائق فقط ستكون الخطوة التالية قطع البث عن محطات الاعلام الوطني والصديق بصورة كاملة على كافة الاقمار الصناعية التي تسيطر عليها دول التآمر وتضيف المصادر أنه يتوقع أن يتم بعد ذلك بساعات قليلة ضرب وتفجير المحاور الرئيسية للاتصالات الأرضية والخلوية لعزل العاصمة عن باقي المدن بعد تسرب اخبار عبر شبكة الاتصال الارضية تؤكد الوقائع الميدانية( التفجير – وجود اعيرة والعاب نارية في سماء العاصمة – فوضى الناس)، ويختتم هذا الاستعراض الاعلامي بإطلاق اعيرة والعاب نارية حقيقية من محيط قصر الروضة حتى تتم مشاهدتها من قبل السكان في سماء العاصمة بما يوحي بمشاهد احتفالية في منطقة قصر الروضة .

اسقاط دمشق اعلاميا
يعتمد هذا السيناريو على المزج بين أحداث واقعية والمشاهد الإعلامية المفبركة مخبريا .

– الاحداث الواقعية:

– يتم ادخال مجموعة من السيارات الفخمة كالتي يستخدمها المسؤولون والرؤساء عادة إلى داخل دمشق.

– يتم تجميع السيارات المشار إليها ومن عدة محاور لتصطف في نسق واحد وتأخذ شكل الموكب الرئاسي وذلك في احدى ساحات دمشق.

– يتم تفجير الموكب واقعيا بكمية كبيرة وشديدة الإنفجار من المواد المتفجرة بحيث يدوي التفجير في انحاء العاصمة دمشق ويتولى الناس الموجودين في محيط مكان التفجير تأكيد حدوثه بموكب السيارات.

– الهدف من التفجير الواقعي هو منع الإعلام الوطني من تكذيب الخبر بحيث ان كاميرات وسائل الاعلام في حال ذهبت الى المكان سوف تصور تفجيرا واقعيا بموكب من السيارات الفخمة الشبيهة بالموكب الرئاسي.

– المطلوب من وسائل الاعلام الوطنية والصديقة هو تقديم هذه الصورة لمشاهديها لمدة بين 5-10 دقائق فقط.

– الخطوة التالية هي قطع البث عن محطات الاعلام الوطني والصديق بصورة كاملة على كافة الاقمار الصناعية التي تسيطر عليها دول التآمر .

– بعد ذلك بساعات قليلة يتم ضرب وتفجير المحاور الرئيسية للاتصالات الأرضية والخلوية بهدف عزل العاصمة عن باقي المدن وذلك بعد تسرب اخبار عبر شبكة الاتصال الارضية تؤكد الوقائع الميدانية( التفجير – وجود اعيرة والعاب نارية في سماء العاصمة – فوضى الناس).

– يتم اطلاق اعيرة والعاب نارية حقيقية من محيط قصر الروضة بواسطة مجموعة من المندسين في محيط المكان حتى تتم مشاهدتها من قبل السكان في سماء العاصمة بما يوحي بمشاهد احتفالية في منطقة قصر الروضة .

– يتم الدخول على شبكة الاتصالات العسكرية وقرصنتها من قبل الاستخبارات الداعمة للمجموعات المسلحة ويتم اعطاء اوامر مزيفة للجنود والوحدات العسكرية على الارض.

– يتم قرصنة ترددات الاتصال الخلوي وتوجيه رسائل على الهاتف الخلوي تؤكد صحة المشاهد المفبركة.

– تبدأ جميع المساجد في محيط العاصمة والقريبة من خطوط التماس والتي يمكن أن يسيطر عليها المسلحين وبالتزامن بالتكبير والاعلان عن سقوط النظام بهدف التأثير على عناصر الجيش السوري المرابطين على مداخل العاصمة وعلى خطوط التماس.

– المزج بين الواقع والمشاهد المفبركة مخبريا:

الخطوة التالية:

– تتم في وسائل الاعلام المعادي بحيث يتم عرض المشاهد الواقعية المشار اليها أعلاه بعد معالجتهاوفبركتها في مختبرات هذه المحطات وذلك بادخال صورة أو مجسم للسيد الرئيس وبعض مرافقيه مقتولين جراءالتفجير وتتركيب هذه الصورة على المشاهد الواقعية او على تفجير واقعي ايضا يتم تنفيذه في احدى دول الجوار باستخدام مجسمات مصغرة او مكبرة لاحدى ساحات العاصمة وباستخدام نفس موكب السيارات او مصغرات عنها.

– يتم عرض هذه المشاهد على كافة قنوات الاعلام المعادي وتكرار العرض بمعدلات ضخ عالية جدا وذلك تزامنا مع قطع البث التلفزيوني الوطني والصدق لاجبار المشاهد على متابعة الحدث عبر وسائل الاعلام المعادي.

– فبركة مشاهد لبعض مسلحي المعارضة يعلنون سيطرتهم على مان اقامة السيد الرئيس باستخدام النماذج السابقة.

– فبركة مشاهد لمسلحي المعارضة وجبهة النصرة يحتفلون في مكان التفجير وتظهر في المشاهد مجسم جثة السيد الرئيس و مرافقيه بين أيدي المسلحين.

– مشاهد مفبركة لبعض جنود الجيش العربي السوري يفرون من اماكن تمركزهم مخلفين ورائهم سلاحهم وعتادهم.

– فبركة مشاهد لحشود من المسلحين يسيطرون على حواجز الجيش ويقتلون جنودا سوريين بطرق وحشية جدا.

الهدف من تنفيذ هذا السيناريو:

1 تحطيم الروح المعنوية لقوات الجيش المرابطة على أطراف العاصمة والإيحاء بأن المعركة قد حسمت بمقتل الرئيس الأسد بهدف إخلاء مواقعهم بما يسمح لحشود المسلحين باللإنقضاض على العاصمة من جميع المحاور.

دفع المواطنين المدنيين إلى النزول إلى الشوارع بغية إحداث فوضى عارمة تصعب على الدولة السيطرة عليها.

إيصال الجندي السوري إلى حالة عدم الإصغاء والتمرد على الأوامر العسكرية الصادرة عن القيادة في ظل الدرجة العالية من المصداقية والواقعية التي تقدمها المشاهد المفبركة والأحداث الميدانية.


تم تأكيد موضوع إنشاء نماذج مصغرة أو مكبرة لبعض معالم العاصمة في إحدى الدول الخليجية على غرار ما تم فعله بالنسبة لليبيا.

يتم إنشاء نماذج تحاكي منطقة الروضة وماحولها وقد أكددت العديد من التقارير هذه الأعمال.

تم منذ فترة استقدام شخصيات مشابهة لشخص الرئيس من حيث الوجه والجسم إلى الدوحة وقد نشرت على الإنترنيت صور لبعض هؤولاء وقد تم تصويرهم في مشاهد مشابهة لما ذكر سالفا.

يتم الآن في الأردن تدريب مجموعات من مقاتلي المعارضة السورية على أيدي الإستخبارات الغربية تدريبيا خاصا هدفه اغتيال السيد الرئيس وذلك باستخدام نماذج تحاكي مكان سكن السيد الرئيس.

قامت المجموعات المسلحة باختراق منظومة الإتصال العسكرية اللاسلكية بمساعدة غرفة عمليات موجودة على الحدود السورية التركية تضم مجموعة من ضباط الاستخبارات التركية والإسرائيلية والفرنسية والقطرية وقد تأكد ذلك من خلال الوائع الميدانية والتقارير التي بثها الإعلام الوطني.


اجراء استطلاعات ميدانية بالسرعة الممكنة لتقدير نسبة المشاهدين السوريين الذين قاموا بالتحول الى الإستقبال على الترددات البديلة والغالب أن هذه النسبة قليلة جدا لأن التحول إلى الترددات البديلة يحتاج إلى تجهيزات وتكلفة مادية وتحديدا التحول الى القمر الروسي.

الإستعانة بفنيين ومختصين في مجال الإتصالات والبث الفضائي لتقييم مدى إمكانية قطع البث وقرصنة الإتصالات كما ورد سالفا.

العمل على إيجاد طريقة فعالة لإجبار المشاهد السوري على التحول إلى الإستقبال على الترددات البديلة بالسرعة الممكنة.


 River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

132 Tunisian Takfiris killed in Aleppo, Pictures of some Nusra Front Takfiris killed in Syria over the past 24 hours

مقتل132 تكفيري من جبهة النصرة من الجنسية التونسية

Posted by syriaman20043 on فبراير 13, 2013

ارهابيين توانسة في جبهة النصرة

ارهابيين توانسة في جبهة النصرة

 في دليل جديد على المشاركة الواسعة للمرتزقة والإرهابيين من دول عدة في الهجمة الشرسة التي تشن على سورية أكدت إذاعة إكسبرس اف ام التونسية مقتل132 إرهابيا ممن يقاتلون الى جانب المجموعات الارهابية المسلحة في محافظة حلب بسورية أغلبهم تونسيون.

ونقلت الإذاعة عن مصدر لم تسمه قوله أن أغلب الإرهابيين القتلى الذين لقوا حتفهم بضربات الجيش العربي السوري هم من ولاية سيدي بوزيد مشيراً إلى أن “جبهة النصرة الإرهابية” أرسلت صورا لأربعة من القتلى هم طارق العجلاني و كامل الامهاني من معتمدية الرقاب التابعة للولاية المذكورة واثنين آخرين من حي التضامن بالعاصمة التونسية.

وأضاف المصدر أن “جبهة النصرة الارهابية” ستقوم بإرسال بقية الصور لقيادا ت في سيدي بوزيد لافتا الى أنباء تفيد بأن من الممكن أن يكون ال132 إرهابيا القتلى المشار إليهم جميعهم تونسيون.

وكان عدد من المواقع والصحف والشخصيات التونسية حذروا من مخاطر وتبعات استمرار السلطات الحاكمة في تونس في تجاهل الأنباء عن انضمام مئات التونسيين إلى المجموعات الإرهابية المسلحة التي تعيث قتلا وتدميراً في سورية والذين يتم التغرير بهم من أجل الذهاب للقتال تحت مسمى”الجهاد”.

إلى ذلك قالت صحيفة التونسية في عددها الصادر اليوم إن قاضي التحقيق بالمحكمة الابتدائية بتونس تولى أمس استنطاق أحد الإرهابيين التونسيين القادمين من سورية.

وأضافت الصحيفة إنه “ألقي القبض على هذا الإرهابي من وحدة مكافحة الإرهاب التابعة للحرس الوطني بثكنة العوينة ووجهت له تهم الإنضمام إلى تنظيم إرهابي اتخذ من الإرهاب وسيلة لتحقيق أغراضه والإنضمام إلى تنظيم بقصد القيام بعمليات إرهابية خارج تراب الجمهورية التونسية”.

وتسببت الفوضى الأمنية والانهيار الاقتصادي وتفكك مؤسسات الدولة في تونس بفوضى عارمة استحوذ خلالها المتطرفون على الساحة السياسية وبدأت عصابات الإرهاب بإنشاء معسكرات لتدريب ونقل المتطرفين إلى سورية للقتال ضد الدولة السورية.


بالصور بعض من فطائس جبهة النصرة التكفيرية في سورية خلال 24 ساعه الماضية

قال تعالى في كتابه الكريم

(( يَوْمَ نَقُولُ لِجَهَنَّمَ هَلِ امْتَلَأْتِ وَتَقُولُ هَل من مزيد ))

إليكم هداياكم ياعرب من أتى ليجاهد في سورية وتناسى فلسطين رائحة فطائسكم قد أزعجت أنوفنا
ونحن دائماً نقول هل من مزيد
الارهابي عطا الله الوسمي ارهابي الجيش الحر

الارهابي عطا الله الوسمي ارهابي الجيش الحر
الارهابي فيصل مبارك الصيعري جبهة النصرة

الارهابي فيصل مبارك الصيعري جبهة النصرة
الارهابي فهد العجمي من جبهة النصرة

الارهابي فهد العجمي من جبهة النصرة
الارهابي عبد الله عبد اللطيف الحسن جبهة النصرة copy

الارهابي عبد الله عبد اللطيف الحسن جبهة النصرة copy
الارهابي عبد العزيز الجغيمان جبهة النصرة

الارهابي عبد العزيز الجغيمان جبهة النصرة
الارهابي عايد العتيبي جبهة النصرة

الارهابي عايد العتيبي جبهة النصرة
الارهابي خالد الديحاني جبهة النصرة

الارهابي خالد الديحاني جبهة النصرة
الارهابي بندر الزهراني جبهة النصرة

الارهابي بندر الزهراني جبهة النصرة
ارهابي سعودي محمد سليمان كريشان جبهة النصرة

ارهابي سعودي محمد سليمان كريشان جبهة النصرة
ابو الليث الكردي

ابو الليث الكردي
ابن اد م المغربي ارهابي من جبهة النصرة

ابن اد م المغربي ارهابي من جبهة النصرة
الارهابي محمود نداف جبهة النصرة

الارهابي محمود نداف جبهة النصرة
الارهابي محمد جمال الزليتني

الارهابي محمد جمال الزليتني
الارهابي محمد السيد جبهة النصرة

الارهابي محمد السيد جبهة النصرة
الارهابي محمد أحمد الفطماني جبهة النصرة

الارهابي محمد أحمد الفطماني جبهة النصرة
الارهابي محمد أبو قرين جبهة النصرة

الارهابي محمد أبو قرين جبهة النصرة
فوزان غوثان العنزي ارهابي جبهة النصرة

فوزان غوثان العنزي ارهابي جبهة النصرة
عايد بن مطلق العتيبي ارهابي جبهة النصرة

عايد بن مطلق العتيبي ارهابي جبهة النصرة
سلطان الحميدي بتلا الحربي جبهة النصرة

سلطان الحميدي بتلا الحربي جبهة النصرة
التكفيري الياس عماره جبهة النصرة

التكفيري الياس عماره جبهة النصرة

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Al-Jazeera/Raed Salah Fabrications: Image of the Al-Quds Brigades in Palestine

مسلسل كذب قناة الجزيرة و جديدهم صورة لسرايا القدس في فلسطين

دام برس – اياد الجاجة :
مازال مسلسل الكذب مستمرا لكن المشكلة الحقيقية هي أن من يدعون الحرية السلمية ومن يطلقون على أنفسهم التنسيقيات وبعد أن قمنا بكشف كل أعمال التزوير التي يقومون بها ما زالوا مستمرين بمسلسل سرقة الصور الكاذبة وفبركتها على أنها تحدث في سورية وفي جديدهم.

صفحة رائد صلاح تقوم بنشر صورة على أنها لعصابات الجيش الحر في سوريا

إن كان بشار أتى بجيوش العالم يستعين ..!

فنحن أحفاد الصحابة لا نهاب و لا نلين ..!

الله محيي الجيش الحر البطل

 ونحن نقول يا شيخ رائد صلاح سامحنا لو أيقظناك من أحلامك فهذه الصورة ليست لمرتزقة الحر بل لو نظرت قليلا تجاه خان يونس وهي قريبة منك لعرفت أنهم رجال سرايا القدس الجناح العسكري لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي في عرض عسكري بالمدينة ترسل عدة رسائل طمأنة لشعبنا في فلسطين وتحذير للعدو الصهيوني.

رابط الصورة الأصلي مع مجموعة صور للعرض العسكري

مصدر الصورة : فضحناكن مووووووووو

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Media war on Syria: Series of lying and fabrication
Al-Jazeera Series of lying and fabrication continues

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Al-Jaafari: Activities of Terrorist Groups Reached Dangerous Levels

Jan 16, 2013

NEW YORK, (SANA)- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari, stressed that the terrorist activities committed by the armed terrorist groups in Syria have reached dangerous levels in terms of quality and quantity.

“The suspicious goals which some countries seek to achieve by supporting terrorism and extremism in Syria have started to appear on the surface,” al-Jaafari said while delivering Syria’s statement during a Security Council session held on Tuesday under the chairmanship of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister.

He offered thanks to the friendly republic of Pakistan, who presides over the Council in January, for holding this important meeting titled “A Comprehensive Approach to Counter Terrorism”.

Al-Jaafari took the opportunity to express on the Syrian government’s condemnation of the terrorist act which recently hit Quetta city in Pakistan.

“Our feeling of sympathy with Pakistan, government and people, doesn’t only stem from the importance of combating terrorism in a collective and comprehensive way, but also from a common painful reality,” the Syrian Ambassador added.

He referred in this context to the terrorist attack which hit the University of Aleppo on Tuesday targeting students who came to do their exams and claiming the lives of 82 of them, while injuring 162 others.

“We always say that the terrorist groups in Syria seize the opportunity whenever a Security Council session is held to carry out terrorist acts in Syria, and this is what happened today for the 10th or 20th times,” said al-Jaafari.

He highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach for combating terrorism as prompted by the “great similarity between the tools and ways that were and are still used by terrorists in many of the member countries and those now being used by terrorists in Syria.”

“How many foreign terrorists of those operating in Syria from across the border were previously involved in killing and injuring citizens in several other countries, and how many of terrorists operating in Syria would move in the future to other areas just like what happened in the recent past and what is happening today,” al-Jaafari wondered.

“Those who think they could bring the jinni out of the bottle of terrorism and control it are mistaken because those who mess with terrorism will be hit by it sooner or later,” he added.

The Syrian Ambassador lashed out at the countries who are going on with their policies in terms of publicly supporting the terrorist organizations in Syria despite the late international acknowledge of the existence of armed terrorist groups in the country and that some of them are affiliated to al-Qaeda.

Al-Jaafari highlighted those countries’ support to the terrorist groups through supplying them with money, weapons, training and shelter, in addition to issuing ‘fatwas’ and providing political and media support.

He cited in this context a practical example of the kind of media support regarding what happened in Daraa city when terrorist groups attacked houses for families of members from the Syrian army and killed and injured a number of children and women inside.

He highlighted how al-Arabiya channel, “which is playing the role of an operation room” aired the news even before it took place and considered it “a blow dealt to the regime”.

Al-Jaafari underscored how many terrorist operations were carried out by al-Qaeda-affiliated organization in response to calls from leaderships in al-Qaeda, citing particularly Jabhat al-Nusra organization which claimed its responsibility for several terrorist operations in Syria.

He referred in particular to a report by the CNN channel and others issued by Western research centers which confirmed that Jabhat al-Nusra organization is responsible alone for more than 600 terrorist operations in Syria over the past two years.

The Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN reiterated that Syria has warned, in hundreds of official statements, meetings and letters which it submitted to the UN and its bodies during the crisis in Syria, against the risks of the flow of terrorists under destructive names such as ‘ethical and sectarian Jihad’ and ‘the sacred war’ against the diverse social fabric characterizing the Syrian people.

Al-Jaafari said that despite Syria’s many calls demanding that the countries which support these groups halt their support and that the Security Council, UN General Assembly and the combating terrorism committees shoulder their responsibilities in this regard, “some influential countries have foiled taking any tangible measures to combat the terrorism targeting Syria.”

These countries, he added, hindered the issuance of 7 press statements condemning the terrorist operations which claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians in Syria.

Al-Jaafari went on as saying that some influential countries, moreover, prevented the issuance of some urgent letters which Syria directed to the Security Council to be circulated to the member states as official documents, citing particularly a letter he addressed to the Chairman of the Security Council and the UN Secretary General on November 21, 2012 which included the names of 143 foreign terrorists fighting in Syria.

Al-Jaafari added that letter however has not been adopted as an official document until now, despite that the UN reports have pointed out recently to the existence of foreign fighters in Syria coming from more than 29 countries.

“The terrorist activities of the armed terrorist groups in Syria have reached dangerous levels, both in terms of quantity or quality,” al-Jaafari pointed out.

He highlighted these groups’ attacks against the state public facilities and infrastructure with the aim of causing comprehensive destruction and drying out the citizens’ livelihood resources, including food, medicine and energy sources, in addition to communication and transport means.

“No Syrian can be convinced that what these armed groups, which are prompted by petrodollar and a huge amount of hatred and lack of patriotism, are doing in terms of starving the Syrian people and depriving them of home and security to suffer cold and disease and force them to seek shelter in refugee camps is a ‘spring’ seeking reform and freedom for the Syrians,” al-Jaafari said.

He wondered “how can we interpret the targeting of the international humanitarian assistance presented by the UN and others by these groups, and the assassination of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent cadres and the threats directed facing the international workers and diplomatic missions Syria?”

“What could be the human meaning behind targeting the civil airplanes?” the Syrian Ambassador asked.

He asserted that the aim of this blind terrorist is undermining the Syrian state and society, but not spreading democracy or reforming the governing mechanisms and protecting human rights or combating terrorism, “which are all rightful popular demands”.

“The suspicious goals which some countries seek to achieve by supporting terrorism and extremism in Syria have started to appear on the surface,” said al-Jaafari, highlighting how “Israel is using the existence of armed terrorist groups in the separation zone in the occupied Syrian Golan as an excuse to build a 42 km wall along the ceasefire line.

The question which comes to the mind of any novice in politics, al-Jaafari noted, should be regarding the side which supported the activities of these terrorists and enabled them to reach that area at this special timing, referring particularly to the fact that senior officials at the UN peace keeping operation administration neglected documented data which Syria provided them on the facilitations offered by Israel to those terrorists.

“Don’t we have the right to ask here that isn’t the suspect in any crime the one who benefits from the results of the crime? Isn’t that the rational explanation for the events?” al-Jaafari wondered.

“We are witnessing a terrorism wrapped with religion and media and embodied in the takfiri and jihadi extremist fatwas…broadcast by satellite channels that promote terrorism and ignorance,” he said.

“This leads us to carefully consider the seriousness of the UN efforts with regard to confronting the terrorists’ use of the internet and media to spread their views and mislead the innocent youth,” al-Jaafari added.

Al-Jaafari wondered “For whose interest the al-Qaeda inmates are being released from prisons and sent to Syria with the fund and support of known countries like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and some political parties in Lebanon?”

Syria’s Ambassador to the UN said that the Turkish government has exploited the sufferings of the Syrian people to commit acts of economic terrorism and piracy in complicity with the armed groups through robbing about 1500 industrial and medical facilities and transferring their equipment and contents from Aleppo to Turkey.

He stressed that such acts demand a firm response from the UN Security Council that should compel the Turkish government to give back all the stolen properties to their Syrian owners and make amends for the affected persons.

“As the Turkish premier called few days ago upon the ‘imperialist countries’ as he called them to give back the resources stolen from Africa, he should also call on his government to give back the things which it stole from Syria and stop its practices which do wrong to the friendly Turkish people and the relations between the two neighboring countries,” said al-Jaafari.

He concluded by saying that the ignoring of the violations committed by some countries has become shameful and the exploitation of the Syrian blood for implementing political terrorist agendas has become flagrant, wondering “How could moves be taken to fight terrorism in Mali while, at the same time terrorism in Syria is being backed, armed and encouraged?”.

H. Zain/M.Nassr/H. Said


Whom has USA recognized as representatives of Syrian people?

USA: “We recognizes the opposition coalition as legitimate representative of Syrian people”
“Syrian Colaition”: USA has to reconsider its decision to list Jabhat Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda branch, as terrorist!
So, by transition, USA recognized the Jabhat Al-Nusra as legitimate representative of Syrian people! Even the members of coalition published this recognition in media adding the word: SOLE, so they consider themselves: SOLE representative of Syrian people! Viva democracy! GIven that at least 60% of Syrian people are still pro their president, while most of the remainder 40% are NOT recognizing any of the members of the coalition!
The coalition consists of members whose majority live outside Syria, many of them have other nationality, and have no popular background inside Syria, most of their figures are unknown for the most of Syrian people. The boss of this coalition is a Muslim clerk. Most of them have been begging NATO for making a military intervention in the country, knowing very well the catastrophic results of such an intervention and that there will be massacres country-wide because the militant opposition on Earth is “Jihadist” in nature that is fighting for sectarian motivations (Jihad against the Nusayri, the term they use to mean Alawites) to impose “Islamic Sunni state” as declared by them and they consider they are authorized to kill, abduct, slaughter, loot any non-Sunni Syrian, although their fighters may be from Afghan, Chechnia, Turkey, Libya … as they did in many Alawite/Chiia and Christian villages in Syria in the countryside of Homs, Hamah and Lattakia.
When USA listed Al-Nusra, a branch of Al-Qaeda, as a terrorist group, a Muslim-Brothers member of the coalition itself recognized by USA, defended Al-Nusra and recommended USA to reconsider its “unjust decision”!!! Although Al-Nusra admitted and declared its responsibility of the bombings and atrocities against both military soldiers and civilians. For instance, they described the terrirst attacks against civil women, children in the quarter Mazzeh 86 in Damascus in the name of Jihad for sectarian reasons! So, according to them, their counterpart citizens are strangers in their country while the Afghan, Libyan, Turkish fighters are the nationals!
Eng. I.K


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

A new sectarian plot against Iraq?

Yusuf Fernandez

Are the same forces that promote a sectarian conflict in Syria trying to do the same in Iraq? Since the fall of Saddam Hussein´s dictatorship, the enemies of Iraq have taken advantage of the complexities of the Iraqi society –made up by different political, ethnic and religious components- in order to fuel sectarian conflicts. They are trying to overthrow the current Iraqi government, led by Nouri al-Maliki, by claiming that it is Shiite-dominated or pro-Iranian and spreading sedition between Sunnis and Shiites and Arabs and Kurds.

hashemiIraqi analysts think that some foreign parties are plotting to topple the Maliki government in order to expel Shiite parties from power or at least weaken their influence. They also consider that Iraq would be the following country in the list if Bashar al-Assad´s regimen were toppled by armed groups in Syria. Extremist groups would then feel emboldened by a hardline sectarian government in Damascus and the result would be a wider sectarian conflict in the region.

One of the enemies of the Iraqi government is Al-Qaeda in Iraq, responsible for a wave of sectarian terrorist attacks that continue up to today. Last year, Al-Qaeda began to expand its operations in Iraq and, as a result, hundreds of people were killed, especially during Shiite religious celebrations.

Despite the high number of victims, the Iraqi authorities have dismissed Al-Qaeda´s operations as “insignificant”. “The war on terror is over,” said Maliki, adding that “what remains is only a bunch of cells backed by foreign countries.” The Iraqi Parliament has also passed a tough anti-terrorism law, which has contributed to reduce the number of attacks. However, some problems remain. The security forces still lack an appropriate counterinsurgency strategy, a requirement in defeating an elusive enemy.

Nevertheless, some experts acknowledge that Al-Qaeda is probably making a comeback in Iraq. “The religious legitimacy of the Syria war and the increase of funding and fighters almost unquestionably benefits Al-Qaeda in Iraq,” said Seth Jones, an expert with the RAND Corporation. The head of the Iraqi intelligence agency, Qassim Atta, has also admitted that Al-Qaeda may be gaining strength and told Al-Alam television network that the organization was changing its modus operandi in order to increase “security chaos”.

Even in that case, it is clear that the terrorism strategy has not achieved its goals. Maliki´s support in the Parliament is stable and, even worse, it has undermined the image of his enemies, some of whom appear to be linked to terrorist activities. Some weeks ago, prosecutors ordered the arrest of the bodyguards who work for Finance Minister, Rafie Issawi, because of their alleged connections with terrorism.
This case followed that of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, who has been sentenced to death by several courts because his participation in terrorist activities. Prosecutors claim that Hashemi bears responsibility in some 150 attacks between 2005 and 2011. They accuse him of using his bodyguards as a death squad and have cited confessions by some of them. Before being arrested, Hashemi fled to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and finally Turkey, where he has been given public recognition and protection.

Protests in Anbar

Last December, Maliki´s external and internal enemies started to use another strategy in order to overthrow the prime minister. Thousands of residents began anti-Maliki protests in the Sunni-majority Anbar Province. They asked for Maliki´s resignation and the derogation of the anti-terrorism law, a strange demand in a country where terrorism is killing hundreds of persons every year.

The “Butcher of Fallujah”, Iyad Allawi

The protests have been supported by the Iraqiyya Block, led by former CIA protégé Iyad Allawi. One leading member of this bloc, MP Ahmed al-Alwani, led noisy demonstrations in Fallujah where participants chanted explicitly anti-Shiite and anti- Iranian slogans. He even called masses to march eastward to “crush Iranian agents”.

Maliki, for his part, warned that the arrest of suspected terrorists did not mean that a specific religious group was being targeted. “Sunnis, Shiites and all the people must know that carrying out arrest warrants against suspects doesn’t mean targeting a specific sect,” he said, adding that the Anbar protests were “unconstitutional” and would not be tolerated for long because the only way to topple a government in Iraq was through elections.

Although some Western channels have referred to the Anbar protestas as a new example of the “Arab Spring”, Iraq´s political system actually makes the country immune to the challenges of this phenomenon. Despite the fact that the Iraqi government is not popular among some groups of the population, no one doubts of its political legitimacy after gaining the confidence of the Parliament, which has been elected through fair and clean elections.

The country is also going through a rapid economic development. Iraq´s gross domestic product is expected to grow by an average rate of at least 9.4% annually between 2012 and 2016 as the oil-producing country largely benefits from higher oil prices, a senior central bank official said in February. Of course, these good economic results have made Maliki a popular figure among many Iraqis.

On January 12, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Baghdad to show support for Maliki´s government and rejected calls to abolish the anti-terrorism law. Some of the protesters raised banners reading “The aim of Anbar protests is to divide Iraq” and others held up posters denouncing fugitive al-Hashemi as a “lord of sectarianism.”

Foreign interference

Some analysts have seen the hand of Turkey behind the Anbar protests. Several weeks ago, Maliki ordered a government review of the country´s relationship with Turkey after a series of disputes with Ankara over a string of issues including the Turkish support for insurgency in Syria and Turkey´s increasing involvement in Iraq´s sectarian and ethnic conflicts.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) receives a souvenir from Najm al-Din Omar Karim, the governor of the disputed northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, on August 2, 2012.The tensions with Ankara grew after Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu visited the disputed city of Kirkuk while on a trip to Iraqi Kurdistan. Davutoglu´s trip drew a furious reaction from Baghdad and brought the already-strained bilateral relations to a new low.

Iraq had previously accused Turkey of fueling tensions between Baghdad and the Kurds over control of territory and oilfields by dealing with Iraqi Kurdistan as if it were an independent state. In July, the region began to export oil to Turkey without Baghdad´s permission, an “illegal” move, according to the Iraqi authorities. Turkey also started to build export pipelines in the Kurdistan that bypass routes controlled by Baghdad. No permission was asked here either, although Ankara knows very well that such projects are a prerrogative of the Iraqi central government.

Iraqi Minister of Education, Ali Adeeb, speaks of “a Turkish invasion of Iraq”. He mentioned the presence in Iraq of elements of the Turkish intelligence services and added that 1,080 Turkish companies are now operating in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Erdogan also fraglanty interferes in Iraqi affairs. He has criticized Maliki in lining up in a open way with leaders of Al-Iraqiya Block, which was established with the help of the Turkish leadership in Ankara. The same day that Davutoglu paid a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan, Al-Iraqiya Block leader, Iyad Alawi, was received by Erdogan in Ankara.

Qatar is also believed to be heavily involved in the protests. Its Al-Jazeera channel is offering heavy coverage of the protests in Iraq and its employees have joined an anti-Shiite campaign on the Internet.
“Some foreign countries, as the Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, aspire to play a regional role in Iraq. They have exploited the lack of confidence prevailing within the components of the Iraqi people, inherited from the previous regime”, said Adeeb. And added: “The United States is not far from what is happening in Iraq… There is a will to divide Iraq into three parts: Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite”.

However, the new sectarian plot in Iraq is likely to be doomed to failure as many moderate Sunni groups and leaders have expressed their rejection to the anti-Shiite sectarian rhetoric, describing it as being dangerous. There are also signs of dissent within the Al-Iraqiya Block. The party´s spokesman Haidar Al-Mullah said he was resigning from his post because of the anti-Shiite diatribes of some of its leaders.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

The fantasms of Al Arabiya: "Mr. Makdisi was whisked out of Syria by the CIA and then kidnapped by Hizbullah on the road to Beirut and then Hizbullah surrendered him back mind you, to the US government.

The fantasms of Al Arabiya: “Mr. Makdisi was whisked out of Syria by the CIA and then kidnapped by Hizbullah on the road to Beirut and then Hizbullah surrendered him back mind you, to the US government.

“…Al-Arabiyya (the news station of King Fahd’s brother-in-law) is one of the most unreliable and laughable media of all members of the Saudi royal family. Yesterday, they “reported” that Jihad Makdisi was kidnapped by Hizbullah. Today, without even referring to their own report from yesterday, they are headlining with the story that Makdisi fled Syria with the assistance of the US government. So let me try to reconcile Al-Arabiyya’s accounts from yesterday and today: Mr. Makdisi was whisked out of Syria by the CIA and then kidnapped by Hizbullah on the road to Beirut and then Hizbullah surrendered him to the US government. OK. …”

Syria’s Liberating Struggle Continues

My PhotoSyrians struggle valiantly to defeat Western-recruited invaders. Islamofasists infest their ranks. They’re cold-blooded killers.

Assad is falsely blamed for their crimes. They include horrific atrocities. On December 23, Hama province residents were slaughtered. Reports said up to 100 in Halfaya. Headlines claimed a government air strike hit a bakery.

Suspect videos showed bloodstained corpses amid rubble and shrapnel. On December 24, Voice of Russia headlined “Syria: Halfaya residents massacred,” saying:

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said “Militants have massacred the residents of Halfaya in Hama (Syria).” Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and Western media falsely blamed Assad.

“The terrorists photographed them in a way enabling them to accuse the local residents of an attack on the government forces at the moment when the UN-Arab League envoy to Syria Lahdar Brahimi arrived in Damascus.”

Russia Today quoted Syrian TV. Insurgents were blamed. They were accused of “filming the aftermath to ‘frame the army.’ “

Videos are easy to fake. An amateur YouTube one “has not been independently verified.” Why would Syrian forces target civilians lined up to buy bread?

Dubious sources don’t explain. Predictable reports point fingers the wrong way. It happens every time.

In early December, media scoundrels reported an Agrab, Hama village massacre. Opposition sources were cited. Fake videos were broadcast.

Pro-government militiamen were accused of killing up to 300 civilians. Reports said they were held hostage inside a blown up building.

A house reportedly bombed by Syrian forces still stands. The entire account emitted a familiar odor. It lacked credibility like numerous previous ones.

Britain’s Channel 4 interviewed three independent witnesses. They told the same story. Anti-Assad “rebels” were responsible. They targeted Alawites. A dozen or more others fled Aqrab. They reported the same thing.

One witness said responsible fighters “had long beards. It was hard to understand what they said. They weren’t dressed like normal Syrians.”

On December 24, Haaretz and AP headlined “Syrian rebels claim Assad regime uses chemical weapons,” saying:

Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and opposition elements said Syrian forces used them “for the first time.” No evidence whatever suggests it.

Throughout the conflict, Al Jazeera waged war on Syria. Qatar’s government controls content. It’s part of the anti-Assad coalition. Propaganda substitutes for real news and information.

Prominent journalists resigned in protest. In April 2011, Beirut chief/Hiwar Muftuh (open dialogue) host, Ghassan Ben Jeddo, left. He said Al Jazeera “abandoned professionalism and objectivity.”

It’s now “an operation room that incites and mobilizes.” Its reports lack credibility. It latest claimed unnamed Al-Bayada neighborhood “activists” accused government forces of targeting them with gas.

A separate statement said Syrian jets bombed Homs with “poisonous material.” Another suspect video was aired. Al Jazeera specializes in doing it. It showed a man on a respirator. Allegedly he was wounded by “nerve gas.”

An unidentified “rebel” called the situation “very bad. We don’t have enough gas masks,” he said. “We do not know what gas this is, but doctors say it resembles sarin.”

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Mossad-connected DEBKAfile said Syria “consolidated its chemical weapons in one or two locations amid a rebel onslaught, and they are under control for the time being.”

Russia has military advisors on the ground. They keep “close watch” over Syria’s chemical arsenal.

On December 23, Press TV headlined “Syria militants use chemical weapons against Syrian forces,” saying:

Military sources said they used them in Daraya near Damascus. On Saturday, toxic yellow gas killed at least seven Syrian soldiers.

They died within an hour after inhaling it. Foreign-backed insurgents threatened chemical weapons use. They also said they’d poison Syrian water.

“The militants’ use of chemical weapons come as the US and its allies have alleged that the Syrian government possesses the deadly weapons and is prepared to use them against militants.”

A December 20 UN report said insurgents invaded. They’re from 29 countries. Most are extremist Salafists. Syrian officials and independent accounts repeatedly stressed Western-recruited death squads ravaged the country since last year.

UN investigators said conflict shifted from battling for political change to “overtly sectarian” warfare. It claimed civil war ravages Syria.

Nothing civil reflects what’s going on. Western-recruited death squads are responsible. Syria was invaded. Army forces, Alawite civilians, and other Assad loyalists struggle to defeat them.

Self-defense groups protect neighborhoods. Entire communities are threatened. The UN’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry (CIO) partly admitted what earlier it suppressed.

It stopped short of blaming Washington, key NATO allies and regional partners. Earlier reports pointed fingers the wrong way. Propaganda substituted for truth and full disclosure.

It claimed “violations were committed pursuant to State policy pointing to the involvement at the highest levels of the armed and security forces of the Government.”

Assad’s repeatedly blamed for death squad crimes.

On December 23, Voice of Russia headlined “Syrian opposition surrenders,” saying:

Local media reports say “Swarms of Syrian militants are surrendering to the government troops around Damascus. Over the last 72 hours, regular army units delivered powerful blows.”

Insurgents were routed. Syria’s Information Ministry and independent Al-Watan news reported army successes. In areas east of Damascus, “scattered groups of 15 to 50 armed rebels are desperately trying to evade entrapment.”

Army forces are determined to crush them. On December 23, SANA headlined “Information Minister: Syria is Moving Towards Overcoming Crisis and Defeating Aggression,” saying:

Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said Syria and its people made considerable progress. Propaganda reports are “baseless and untrue.”

Syria will defeat its enemies, he stressed. Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and other terrorists “are trained and prepared by well-known sides that financed, instigated, established training camps, and put various tools at” their disposal.

Russia respects Syrian sovereignty. It wants conflict resolved diplomatically. It’s pursuing dialogue. It seeks “a purely Syrian democratic and national political process.”

Syria’s army represents the nation and people. It’s confronting Western-backed terrorism. On September 28, 2001, Security Council Resolution 1373 passed unanimously.

It called for “suppressing, financing, (and) improving international cooperation.” It considers anyone involved with conspiring, facilitating, or harboring terrorists subject to counterterrorism laws.

Al-Zoubi added that Syria, its government, its army and people stand resolutely against foreign terrorists. Contrary reports are untrue.

On December 24, Russia Today reported more on Sergey Lavrov’s exclusive interview. He diplomatically condemned how Western officials divide terrorists between “bad and acceptable” ones.

Doing so assures lasting adverse consequences. He again stressed that Syria’s chemical arsenal is secure.

“Every time we hear rumors, or pieces of information come to the surface that the Syrians are doing something with the chemical weapons, we double-check. We triple-check,” he said.

At the same time, “strange (Western) logic holds Syria’s government entirely responsible “even if the rebels take hold of it.”

At the same time, Western governments escalate conflict by arming and funding terrorists.

Wars don’t last forever, he said. They all end the same way. Both sides negotiate. It should happen in Syria as soon as possible.

Syria won’t use chemical weapons, he stressed. Doing so “would be political suicide.” Russia’s main goal isn’t “somebody’s head. It’s the cessation of violence and bloodshed.”

Syrians alone must choose their government. Foreign ones and opposition elements have no right to decide. Russia isn’t in “the business of regime change.”

Syrians must decide without foreign interference. External forces can play stabilizing roles. They can encourage dialogue and conflict resolution. They can prioritize peace over war.

Syrian National Council 2.0 goals are “unachievable.” They endorse “ruinous” principles. They want to dismantle or topple Assad’s government forcefully.

They spurn negotiations. Doing so violates last June’s Geneva Agreement principles. They call for respecting international law provisions, peaceful conflict resolution, and backing a Syrian-led political transition serving everyone equitably.

Washington, key NATO partners, and regional allies bear full responsibility. They prioritize conflict over peace. Lavrov worries about involving Iran. Doing so could escalate things out of control.

On December 20, Vladimir Putin held his first press conference since reelected Russia’s president. It was his eighth wide-ranging one with journalists. Many topics were covered. He answered 80 questions in four and a half hours.

Geopolitical ones were included. He hopes for constructive dialogue with Japan. He seeks normalization with Georgia. He praised an unprecedented level of Russo-Chinese trust. He commented thoughtfully on Syria.

“We are worried about what will come next,” he said. “We don’t want the opposition, (if) it comes to power, to go into war with the current authorities, which will become the opposition, and so on.”

“Russia is more concerned about finding a solution that would save the region from collapse and civil war than about pursuing its interests in the region, which aren’t that many anyway.”

Last February, former Russian Joint Chiefs of Staff member Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov said said Moscow is prepared to defend Syria or Iran if attacked.

Striking either country indirectly targets Russia and its interests, he said. “Russia would love important positions and allies in the Arab world. Therefore, by defending (these countries), Russia is defending its own interests.”

He called what Washington and NATO partners did to Libya “nearly identical” to what Hitler did to Poland and Russia.

Moscow is protecting the world from fascism, he stressed. It’s unknown if Putin, other top Kremlin officials, and military ones hold similar views.

Putin downplayed the stakes. He knows regional conflict threatens Russian interests. How far he’ll go to defend them remains to be seen.

Lavrov said diplomatic conflict resolution is prioritized. It’s always the best way to resolve things equitably.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.”

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